Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Edition!

Because Christmas is tomorrow, I thought it only fair to feature one of the best Christmas presents! It involves cars, of course.

Automation: The Car Company Tycoon Game
(I tried to put a picture of one of my creations)

This is a great game. You get to make a car company, and make cars to nearly your exact specifications. The cars go from cargo vans to supercars. Every aspect of the engine is tweakable, I made a 12 liter turbo V12 engine that develops 1400 horsepower and 1200 lb ft of torque! This is possibly the best game ever, right next to Both are on Steam, and make a great present. In Automation, you can tweak the wheels, the suspension, the transmission, the chassis, just to name a few. If anyone buys this game, I challenge you to make a 9 second quarter mile car. You must use a carburetted V8. With BeamNG, share your fastest lap around the sky loop (the nascar track) on the GridMap. If anyone already has this game, or is planning to get it, you can post screenshots on the Wall O' Fame.

Do you have any thoughts about cats? What drives you crazy? I welcome any respectful comments so keep it clean!
One post on this blog, one post on A Good Popular Blog About Good Popular Cats (if possible) a week, so stay tuned! 

Oh, and, merry Christmas.



  1. Cats? Are there designer cats that go vroom, vroom?
    Would it not be funny if there is a cat-powered car that leaps and parks on the upper roof of a building? Ha ha...
    Merry Christmas. Leave that fat boy in the red suit a tire-burn. He should be upgrading from reindeer. Ask him how many reinpower his vehicle has. That'll teach him.


  2. Cats? Are there designer cats that go vroom, vroom?
    Would it not be funny if there is a cat-powered car that leaps and parks on the upper roof of a building? Ha ha...
    Merry Christmas. Leave that fat boy in the red suit a tire-burn. He should be upgrading from reindeer. Ask him how many reinpower his vehicle has. That'll teach him.


    1. Yeah, if he put reins around a bunch of Honda Blackbirds, and puts elves on the bikes, you can have a 1063 horsepower sleigh!

  3. Yikes! No desparaging remarks about old Saint Nick 😮! He has treated me well in the past, and I hope he has overlooked my less than perfect behavior this year! The game sounds great! I will try it out tonight with my nephew and SIL. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Challenger Hellcat with scat pack of course!!

    1. You will need to buy it on Steam

    2. Ha! I had to ask "my Best Buy associate" what steam was!!


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