Saturday, December 10, 2016


This is a special post, this time it will be about:

(there are too many different types to put a picture)

I can understand the desire to have a very powerful car, for a low price. However, buying a cheap body kit, rims/hubcaps that don't spin, a tin can exhaust, and a turbo that isn't actually connected to anything will probably cost you more than just buying a Dodge Charger.
The bottom line is, no matter what you do to your Civic, it will always be slow, and not a race car (unless you are VERY, VERY determined).
Certain types of ricers are more annoying than others, like the MUST LOWER SUSPENSION MORE! people. Or the let's over-rev my horrible sounding JDM-something to make it seem like my car is a Lamborghini.
I don't like truck ricers either. 33 inch steel wheels are very heavy, and don't actually increase off-roading capability. A super wide (poorly put together) exhaust stack doesn't help matters.

Do you have any thoughts about cats? What drives you crazy? I welcome any respectful comments so keep it clean!
One post on this blog, one post on A Good Popular Blog About Good Popular Cats (if possible) a week, so stay tuned! 


  1. Well, I knew that I didn't like the Kid's that had every after market accessory known to man and was so low it scraped the ground. What I didn't know was, there was a name for them. Who knew?!

    1. Yeah, it's a bit unofficial, but there is a name for them.

    2. Cool. I did not know about Ricers!
      A cheap shot way to feel cool.

      Your writing style gets better by the day. What are you eating these days?

    3. I liquify nutrients, and inject them straight into my bloodstream. It works really well. Also, klondike bars!

  2. Klondike bars are a good analogy of ricers. As they are in their original state, Klondike's are, a sublime example of an ice cream treat. Some people, however felt that their simple clean lines were boring and dated. Now the once perfect treat has everything added to it and more. Chocolate ice cream? Why not! Candy bar bits? Sure! Undetermined crunchy things in the chocolatey coating? Give it a go! They have become the ricers of the ice cream freezer.

    1. I agree! Waiting for the new chai-assam-green-masala-oreo-rollo-redsox flavor must be uneventful.

  3. Replies
    1. I prefer nutrient liquefaction and injection. Way more nutritional value.

  4. Happy birthday from all of us in the penpie clan. Will you eat cake? Or simply absorb the nutrition you need from the sun?

  5. Replies
    1. It was (if you disregarded the large amounts of flames).

  6. Liquid cheesecake mmmmm😻😻😻


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