Sunday, February 5, 2017

Super Bowl

Time for another post, here it is,

The Super Bowl


Now, I know this has nothing to do with cars, but I was wondering, who was everyone rooting for in the Super Bowl today? Additionally, I encourage you to comment any bad popular cars you see in the advertisements. Also, please ask everyone that is feeling smug that they are "only watching for the ads"; "So, did you only come here for the snacks?". To further add to Super Bowl ads and (non-Super Bowl (probably (this sentence has gotten really hard to understand (and heavy on the (nested) parentheses)))) cars, I present to you, the best placement of an xkcd webcomic ever:

Super Bowl

Do you have any thoughts about cats? What drives you crazy? I welcome all respectful comments, so keep it clean. One post a week, so stay tuned!


  1. (this (is (definitely (grammatically (correct)))))

    1. Woop! I was right!! Atlanta may be the Falcons, but the Patriots practice falconry!!1!!11

    2. I love that cartoon. I feel that even if your team doesn't win, there are always many kinds of chicken wings to eat. So, it isn't all bad..

  2. Let's not forget the best Alfa Romeo commercial EVER! A red fire-breathing (breaking down a lot) spitting dragon is a pretty good description of an Alfa.

  3. I would love an Alpha convertible though.

  4. What do you think about the new trucks at the Detroit Auto show?

    1. They were really great! There was a power wagon!

    2. I remember the original Power Wagon!


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