Saturday, January 28, 2017

Guest Blogger

Time for another post, here it is,
The BMW I3
(With a guest blogger, Keith)

Plugin Hybrids. Not sure where I stand on these. While I recognize the importance from an environmental stand point, they're not the most economical choice. First, they typically cost more than their gas powered counterparts. Also, they depreciate in value faster, more expensive to maintain, and the savings in fuel costs often times do not outweigh these added costs of ownership.

Having said that, if you are going to pick up a plugin, the BMW is probably the way to go. You can't really go wrong with a German car, given their pedegree and attention to detail. I suppose that if I lived in a city where I didn't have to travel far on a regular basis, and ease of parking was important, then I would look into the i3. Definitely more interesting than a Prius.

Thank you Keith, for your insight. There is a car that is more interesting and just better (and still PlugIn hybrid), the BMW i8.

Do you have any thoughts about cats? What drives you crazy? I welcome all respectful comments, so keep it clean. One post a week, so stay tuned!


Use your freedom of speech!