Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Pontiac Aztek

Time for another post, here it is,

The Pontiac Aztek

The Aztek was a flop. It killed Pontiac, a branch of GM that was running since the mid 20's. Now you may say:
"Pontiac stopped producing cars in 2010!",  to which I say, Pontiac officially stopped being a car company in 2010, yes, but everyone stopped buying them after this.

Remember when Pontiac was the performance division of GM? It was great. You got things like the Bonneville, the Firebird, and the GTO. What went wrong?

We ended up with a crossover (bad), that looks like it has gone through the cuisinart (also bad). It looks like the tailgate has been blunted, and it has a fusion of  Nissan Juke and C-Max. It has stacked grilles and double headlights. It isn't cool if you don't cut-and-paste another fascia on your car!

Apparently it was way too expensive for the Gen X buyers it was targeted at. I found out there was a picture of the Aztek on the door of Rich Wagoner, captioned, "Never Again".

Do you have any thoughts about cats? What drives you crazy? I welcome all respectful comments, so keep it clean. One post a week, so stay tuned!


  1. It makes me sad. What an ignoble end to a once great car company 😾

    1. yeah, remember when the kid with the GTO was the cool one? Now he's the one lacking in taste.

  2. 😿😿😿😿

  3. Spot on. The GrandAm was the last 'Great White' of the Pontiac world.

    1. Yes, after that, it was just a bunch of import looking stuff.

  4. I had a friend that had one.. ugly car but we could always find it! Haha

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