Thursday, July 21, 2016

Can-Am Spyder

First of two posts this week, here it is,

The Can-Am Spyder

What you drive says something about you. This says, "I wanted a Kawasaki Ninja, but I don't know how to ride a motorcycle". Readers of my blog know my opinion of the melding of two vehicles, read this: So, you want a motorcycle as your next vehicle, who doesn't? However, you also need a car. You might be thinking that the Can-Am is the answer to your problems. You would be wrong. The Can-Am defeats the purpose of the motorcycle which as we all know is to look like a badass, it has zero street cred. The Can-Am also defeats the purpose of the car, which is to shuttle people (and their stuff) and your stuff around. Just think about your dog, how he likes to stick his head out of the window of your car; now imagine Rover on the back of the Can-Am. That would give PETA something to think about!
You can argue that the Can-Am is fast, it does 0-60 miles per hour in 4.8 seconds, which is really fast, but for similar money, I can get the Kawasaki Ninja which goes from 0-60 in 2.6 seconds, a brain-meltingly fast time. Another point, why does the back wheel not look the same? I get that a third front wheel would not fit, why don't they make a wheel that looks like the front ones, but is the right size? I haven't mentioned the fact that it is a three-wheeler, and I know another vehicle that is a three-wheeler, the Reliant Robin, a car so bad Mr. Bean hated it.


Do you have any thoughts about cars? What drives you crazy? I welcome any respectful comments so keep it clean!

Bi-weekly posts, so stay tuned!


  1. Would Mr. Bean be seen on a Cam Am? I don't think so. ..

    1. You have just put that image in my mind, and it is really funny

  2. I think the designer hated spiders. So he must have designed this hideous contraption and named it one. Don't you think?

  3. So is the red three-wheeled contraption in the picture above.

    1. I can't think of any redeeming qualities of the Reliant Robin

  4. They never showed the driver of the Robin did they? Just sayin....

    1. No... he was too embarrassed to be seen in it


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